
Monday, February 18, 2008

The Saga of Hrafnkel Frey's Godi

I enjoyed this saga because of it's stated simplicity and theme of revenge. It was interesting that even though Hrafnkel warned Einar not to ride his horse or Hrafnkel would kill him, he still rode it and was killed. I don't agree that killing Einar was the right thing to do, but then he was fairly warned. Hrafnkel told Einar the old saying, "he who gives warning is not at fault." Still, Einar's father sought revenge on Hrafnkel for this slaughter.

I think this saga taught a lesson to take the advice you are given. Einar did not take Hrafnkel's advice and was killed. Then, Sam, after avenging Einar's death, was given the advice to kill Hrafnkel and Sam would be better off. But after Sam spares his life, Hrafnkel builds up his farm and alliances and procedes to seek revenge by killing Sam's brother, Eyvind. It is obvious that had Sam, or first Einar, taken the advice given to him, there would not have been misfortune towards their family from Hrafnkel. Also, Eyvind's death could have been avoided still had he taken the advice of his servant boy to ride ahead after seeing Hrafnkel and his men coming after them.

I felt that both Sam and Hrafnkel had some luck on their side, with Hrafnkel coming out on top in the end. Sam luckily received the help of the chieftains, the Thjostarssons, when trying and succeeding to prosecute Hrafnkel. His luck ended when he did not take their advice. Hrafnkel was lucky to come upon the fertile valley where he made his farm that became successful. He was lucky again after he was forced to move out of his farm, but then bought a cheap one that became even more succesful than the first.


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